Weifeng Technology is a Singapore-based technology company. With the desire to change the future world. We want to empower our investors and partners with an ecosystem where they can proactively change their life with breakthrough applications on our technology platform.
Weifeng Technology is currently focusing on electronic payment applications and payment gateways. Moving forward, the company will actively seek collaborations with global and regional companies in payment gateway, e-commerce, and other technology providers to develop new solutions through decentralized applications – based on its proprietary blockchain technology and Smart contract 2.0 platform.
Besides the fintech field, Weifeng Technology is also planning to venture into edutech, health-tech, agri-tech, prop-tech and other technology-related fields.
The future of the world is technology. Master and thrive on technology to keep up with the trend of the world. Especially through many social changes, the demand for technology application in payment and management is increasing.
Weifeng Technology confidently takes the lead to provide customers with the best future products. We want to empower our investors and partners with an ecosystem where they can proactively change their life with breakthrough applications on our platform
Weifeng Technology started off as a technology company on digital payment system and payment gateway solutions. The company has a blockchain-powered digital wallet application which is available on both Android and IOS platforms.